Soccer team of BSBIOS participates in friendly game

About two years ago, the employees of BSBIOS participated in a soccer game, since then, the team participates in friendly matches and in the Soccer Championship of SESI. And, because of this it was called to play the game on (18/02), at 06:15pm, at the stadium Vermelhão da Serra, against Master do Esporte Clube Passo Fundo. The game is a preliminary of the professionals who will play against Atlético de Carazinho.

The game will be also an excellent opportunity for the team to prepare themselves for the Soccer Championship of SESI 2010 that begins on February 21st. The premiere of BSBIOS team will be on February 27th, for group "A" against Cielo Mecatrônica, in the field of the Associação de Funcionários da Doux Frangosul. For more information you may contact telephone (54) 2103-7100.