Summer crops are debated this Thursday

Next Thursday (5), at the auditorium of Embrapa-Trigo, the II Seminário de Culturas de Verão takes place. It will approach the perspectives and the importance of summer crops in the property production system. In this edition, the seminar will happen in the morning and afternoon, focusing on property managing, weed resistance to herbicides, market perspective to soybean and maize, high yield of transgenic soybean and climate forecast to summer crops.

According to the coordinator of the Development Sector of BSBIOS Fábio Júnior Benin, the event is very important, "based on the winter edition we observed that after each activity the crops present improvement, producers are receiving information directly, that is why we believe that the seminar brings important benefits to the farmer", he asserted. The seminar is promoted by Sicredi and has the support of BSBIOS, Cotrijal, UPF, Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais, Sindicato Rural de Passo Fundo, Associação dos Engenheiros Agrônomos, Emater and Embrapa. The activities begin at 8:00 am, with the participants' accreditation at the auditorium of Embrapa-Trigo. The opening happens at 9:00 am with free admission.