The Brazilian Association of Canola Producers was founded

Entity will promote the improvement of the crop

Last Saturday (18), at the Associação Comercial, Industrial, de Serviços e Agropecuária (ACISA), in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul the Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Canola (ABrasCanola) was instituted. The Entity was created from a work that has been accomplished for more than four years in the north region of Rio Grande do Sul by a group of producers, researchers, technicians, financing institutions, unions and entrepreneurs, who firstly participated in a Group called Sustainable Regional Development (SRD) Biofuels that focus on the diversification of crops. From this work, the team decided to structure in one Association in order to develop Canola even more.

The nonprofit entity aims at representing the productive chain of Canola in Brazil, mobilizing efforts and make joint actions feasible for the development of the crop, achieving activities which contribute with technological improvement, the increase of profitability, efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of production systems, to offer to rural producers opportunities of income generation and development, encouraging and achieving researches, debates, projects and proposals for the improvement and regulation of the production, commercialization and use of canola.

After approval and analysis of the social statute, the first team that will run ABrasCanola for the next three years was elected. As President of the Managing Council, Erasmo Carlos Battistella was elected, as Vice-president of Managment, Fábio Júnior Benin, as Vice-president of Financing, Renato Bresolin, as Technical Vice-president, Luis Gustavo Floss, as Vice-president of Associative and Institutional Relations, Jair Dutra Rodrigues, as Vice-president of Events Promotion, Bernardo Palma, and as Vice-president of Politics and Fund-raising, Nei Cézar Manica. Yet, making part of the Council Tax as holders: Renir Renato Resener, Alberi Ceolin and Paulo de Tarso. And, as substitute members: Mário Wagner, Adriano Nunes de Almeida and Lamar Sakis.

According to the president elected Erasmo Carlos Battistella, the foundation of ABrasCanola is important for the development of culture in the country. "We see the growth of the Association as ideal, for this we will seek to increase the number of associates in all Brazil, as well as to encourage the advance in the area planted. The association establishment was an important step, though with that it will be possible to make strategic partnerships with research bodies, federal government, associations, federations, entities, among others to make the improvement, the technical training, research and the technical development feasible, in order to ameliorate the growth of canola", he emphasized. ABrasCanola will establish its headquarter together with ACISA in Passo Fundo and the next efforts will be the structuring of the local and establishment of the entity's plan of action.