VoltarBSBIOS participates in BOVESPA MAIS
On 03/11, Bolsa de Mercadorias e Futuros de São Paulo accomplished the III Encontro Bovespa Mais, initiative which objective is to enlarge the relationship of companies with capital market agents.
Besides BSBIOS, companies Mastersaf and Alog participated in this third edition, when they presented themselves for an audience consisted of financing intermediaries, legal assessors and auditors.
During 40 minutes Managing Director Cristhine Roso and the Director of Operations of BSBIOS Erasmo C. Battistella, made an exhibition about production, development and commercialization of biodiesel. The company has one of the most modern biodiesel production plants in the country, with capacity to produce 130 million liters/year. After exhibition there was a break so that they exchanged contacts with other participants of the event.
In the two previous editions of the Encounter, accomplished in 2008, six companies participated: Esporte Interativo, Senior Solution, Le Biscuit, Teikon, Galena and BRQ.
With the fulfillment of several encounters along with the year, BM&FBOVESPA intends to contribute so that the companies study the possibility of financing its growth by means of capital market, by making its decision process agile and improved from subsidies that can be supplied by these agents.